Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Ryan ... my hubby !

I love my new hubby ! RYAN ... he age is 11 years ... i love he ! very much as i love ALLAH
he is christ ... but i islam .. he always smile at me .. he always follow me went i want go anyway !! dawnlink !!

Sunday, November 28, 2010

S.C.H.O.O.L.= Seven Crappy Hours Of Our Life.
C.L.A.S.S.= Come Late And Start Sleeping.
F.I.N.A.L.S.= Fuck I Never Actually Learned Shit.

layang-layang terputus benang
putus benang disambung belati
hatimu mengunci rasa
hatiku belum berhenti berharap
jadi untuk apa rindu
jika sayapnya tidak boleh terbang jauh
jantung hatiku terus membeku
lidahku terus membisu
tidak mampu berkata-kata
tentang isi hati yang tersirat

kalau ungu itu pilu
cinta tentu biru warnanya
kalau biru warna cinta
rindu apa pula warnanya?

biru itu warna cintamu
ungu itu warna lukaku

Cinta , sesuatu subjek yang pelik , bukan? Aku sedar budak-budak sekolah macam aku ni memang tak sesuai nak bercinta .. Kata orang cinta itu buta . cinta tak mengenal usia dan............

Sejak aku mengenali dia sehinggalah sekarang, perasaan aku terhadap kau semakin ketara perbezaannya ..
Semakin hari.. aku semakin rindu dengan kata-kata darimu .. Aku rindu dengan ucapan selamat malammu . Aku sangat memahami keadaan kau sekarang . tapi entah kenapa aku tak dapat nak menepis perasaan rindu yang semakin menebal ini terhadap dirimu .

Kau bilang padaku bahawa kau sayang pada aku . sejauh mana?
Sudah berulang kali aku dengar bahawa kau juga merindui aku tapi sejauh mana?
Adakah seperti aku menyayangimu?
Adakah juga seperti aku merinduimu?
Duhai hati .. Sesungguhnya aku tak dapat nak menilik apa tujuanmu .

tolong jaga hati dia baik-baik ya
dialah orang yang paling bertuah sbb berjaya merebut hatimu
aku pula??
kalah dalam pertarungan...

JIKA aku di tempat kamu
akan aku jaga hatinya
akan aku cuba untuk memahami hatinya
akan aku cuba menyayanginya dengan sepenuh hatiku
akan aku hargai cintanya

aku tidak akan terus mengharap balasan cintamu
akan aku buang perasaan ini jauh-jauh
agar perasaan ini tidak menganggu dirimu
akan aku kunci seluruh hatiku
buat dirimu

semoga kita bertiga akan terus menjadi sahabat ya
aku hargai persahabatan ini
aku sayang padamu
hanya sebagai seorang sahabat

angin berbicaralah lagi
titipkan rindu aku buatnya
angin berkata-kata lah lagi
tentang rindu aku padanya
angin menderu lah lagi
biar aku selimutkan hatinya
dengan hembusan kasihku
sampaikan kasih aku buat si untuk si dia

ku ketuk-ketuk pintu jendela hatimu
sambil hatiku berkata
assalamualaikum cinta!


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Sunday, November 21, 2010

my chiku.chiku baby

Name:Kiki Meow Meow
Age:4 years..

Buchu buchu kitty !!! i love you my kitty !! muahxxx !!!

i want this hp

i like pink !!


i want this blackberry fhone

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Big time rush

Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh.

Make it count, Play it straight. Don't look back, Don't hesitate. When you go big time.

Whatcha want, Whatcha feel. Never quit, Make it real. When you roll big time.

[Ohhhhh.] Hey! [Ohhhh] Hey! [Ohhhhh] Listen to your heart now! Hey! [Ohhhh] Hey! [Ohhhhh] Don't you feel the rush? Hey! [Ohhhh] Hey! [Ohhhhh] Better take your shot now.

Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh.

Cmon shake it up! Whatcha gotta loose? Go and make your luck with the life you choose, If you want it all, Lay it on the line. It's the only life ya got, So ya gotta live it big time.

Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh.

Step it up, Get in gear. Go for broke, Make it clear. Gotta go big time.

Make it work, Get it right. Change the world over night. Gotta dream big time.

[Ohhhhh.] Hey! [Ohhhh] Hey! [Ohhhhh] Give it all you got now. Hey! [Ohhhh] Hey! [Ohhhhh] Isn't it a rush? Hey! [Ohhhh] Hey! [Ohhhhh] Finish what you start now.

Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh.

Cmon shake it up! Whatcha gotta loose? Go and make your luck with the life you choose, If you want it all, Lay it on the line. It's the only life ya got, So ya gotta live it big time.

Look around, Every light is shining now, It's brighter somehow. Look around, Nothings as it seems, Nothing but dreams. You and I, Gonna make a brand new sound, Like we own this town.

We can't die, Now we lay it on the ground, We'll never look down. Welcome to the big time, All the pretty people see you walking in the sunshine. Welcome to the good times, Life will never be the same.

Cmon shake it up! Whatcha gotta loose? Go and make your luck with the life you choose, If you want it all, Lay it on the line. It's the only life ya got, So ya gotta live it big time.

Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. Oh Oh Ohhhh Ohhhhh. If you want it all, Lay it on the line. It's the only life ya got, So ya gotta live it big time.

Friendship forever

Friendship is a rare and precious commodity. If you have a friend, who truly understands you and accepts you despite your shortcomings, then you are the luckiest person in the world. I feel fortunate to have good friends. Over the years, I have realized the value of friendship and I feel blessed to have great friends. On this page you can read a collection of best friend quotes that echo my sentiments. I dedicate these best friend quotes to my friends, who have stuck with me through thick and thin.

If you're alone, I'll be your shadow. If you want to cry, I'll be your shoulder. If you want a hug, I'll be your pillow. If you need to be happy, I'll be your smile. But anytime you need a friend, I'll just be me.

My Friend,
my companion,
through good times and bad
my friend, my buddy,
through happy and sad,
beside me you stand,
beside me you walk,
you're there to listen,
you're there to talk,
with happiness, with smiles,
with pain and tears,
I know you'll be there,
throughout the years!

A nice collection of best friend sayings, quotes, proverbs or definitions of best friends, real friends or true friendship. Reading a best friend saying is fun. Hope you will enjoy these best friend sayings or quotes as much as our best friends did.....

My best friend may not be as popular as Obama or Osama but she sure is the most popular person in my life.

Best friends are willing to wait for you without complaining even if you are a few hours late.

Best friends listen to what you don't.

Best friends don't let you do stupid things....alone.

Best friends are gods ways of apologizing for our families.

Best friends are the siblings god forgot to give us.
You can never truly get rid of your best friend...because they are in all your best memories.

A best friend is one who reaches for your hand but touches your heart.

Best friends are with you the yesterday before the beginning and will be there until the tomorrow after forever.

Friendship isn't a big thing - it's a million little things.

Your friend will call you a retard but your best friend will be there acting like one with you.

Best friends are there for you even if you refuse to talk to them. Because they know, deep down, the silence is killing you.

A best friend isn't someone who's just always there for you. It's someone who understands you a bit more than you understand yourself.

Only best friends tell each other useless information.

A true friend is someone who can understand your past, believe in your future and accept you for who you are today.

Sunday, November 7, 2010